Customer Analysis
User Research & Analysis

Customer Analysis: What You Need to Know

If you want to know more about customer analysis, you have come to the right place.

A customer analysis (or customer profile) is a critical section of a company’s business plan or marketing plan.

It names the target audience, determines their needs, and then describes how the product satisfies those needs.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about customer analysis.

What is Customer Analysis?

Customer analysis combines qualitative and quantitative research methods with the goal of better understanding of your customer base.

You can better meet their needs if you understand what makes your customers tick.

The tide lifts all ships, allowing marketing to write better campaigns, sales to craft stronger pitches, product development to prioritize which features, etc.

Customer analysis typically moves through the following stages:

  • choosing your target audience.
  • learning about their requirements and problems.
  • assembling customers based on shared characteristics and behaviors.
  • constructing a profile of your ideal client.

It can be intimidating to analyze your customers. I’ll walk you through the starting points for every company in this post.

Read More:

Why is Customer Analysis Important?

Customer Analysis

Here are a few concrete reasons why you need to implement customer analysis:

  • enables you to customize your marketing and communications to address the goals of your customers (and truly speak their “language”).
  • allows for increased ROI (also known as targeted marketing) and better customer targeting through segmentation.
  • helps you decide where to spend advertising dollars and what marketing channels will best reach customers.
  • helps you comprehend how to make improvements to your goods or services.
  • improves customer loyalty overall and enables you to develop better relationships with clients.

How to Do Customer Analysis in 8 Steps

If your customer analysis is going to be effective, then it needs to be thorough. It’s crucial that you compile the appropriate information before applying it in the most effective way possible.

The process can be outlined in eight broad steps:

1. Analyze Your Current Customers

You already have a ton of data on your customers’ behavior if you have a good analytics system in place.

Looking at people who have already made purchases serves the dual purpose of giving you specific access to how your product is used and giving you knowledge on the precise type of people likely to make a purchase from you. While market research that looks outside of your customer base can be helpful.

2. Perform Customer Profitability Analysis to Identify the Most Valuable Customers

Your entire customer base can provide you with a wealth of useful information regarding the most popular features and comparable general metrics.

However, it pays to consider the kind of customers who have spent the most and/or stayed with you the longest in order to determine which types of communications to send to them and which changes will have the greatest impact on churn reduction.

You’ll experience the greatest growth if you keep those customers satisfied and attract more of their caliber.

3. Perform Customer Needs Analysis to Discover the Main Purchase Drivers

People base their purchases on their needs. You’ll be able to understand what motivates your customers to buy a product once you know what they (and people like them) need from it.

This information will be crucial in determining how your product develops in the future and will keep you one step ahead of the competition.

4. Perform Customer Segmentation Analysis to Create Customer Segments

Customers can be segmented in a variety of ways. You can group them according to typical demographic characteristics, typical financial performance indicators, typical patterns of app or shopping use, and more.

Your customers will be sorted into logical segmentation buckets by the data itself and customer segmentation tools, which will aid in directing you.

For the preceding step, the data will assist you in identifying your most profitable clients, but it will also highlight any clients who may be at risk of leaving, allowing you to take preventative measures.

5. Use Customer Data to Create Buyer Personas

The next step is to start working on creating a fictional representation of the key segments after having the customer segmentation data at hand.

The marketing, sales, and onboarding teams can communicate with your customers in a way that will be most effective by using these buyer personas as their fictional representation.

6. Acquire Customer Feedback

Analytics play a significant role in how you comprehend your customers, but they do not provide all the information. Asking customers directly is still the best way to find out what they think.

In a technological and competitive environment that is constantly evolving, routine customer feedback will help you stay informed about how customers feel about your product.

7. Draw a Customer Journey Map

Drawing a map of your current customer journey and comparing it with the feedback they’ve given and data you collected can help you identify points in the journey that are not currently being adequately addressed.

8. Repeat

The technological environment is ever-evolving. What was cutting edge and adored by customers one day may be outdated the next.

It’s crucial to bear that in mind and make sure that your customer analysis efforts are ongoing rather than something you complete once and then disregard.

Related Reading: How to Do a Customer Needs Analysis?

Final Thoughts on Customer Analysis

Customer analysis is arguably one of the most important things you can do for your business.

When done correctly, it permeates every aspect of your business, having an impact on everything from your marketing messages, sales pitches, and product features all the way to your client retention and loyalty.

Using our buyer persona templates, learn how to compile the results of your customer research.


What is a Good Customer Analysis?

Effective customer analysis entails segmenting your customer base, figuring out how to best serve their needs, and incorporating that information into your business operations to improve the customer experience.

What Are the Types of Customer Analysis?

Behavior analysis and demographic analysis are the two main categories of customer analysis. The two subgroups of buying criteria and purchasing patterns in behavioral analysis can be further divided.

How Do You Write a Customer Analysis Example?

A complete customer analysis contains 3 primary sections:

  1. Decide who your ideal clients are.
  2. Send these customers’ needs along.
  3. Demonstrate how your goods and/or services meet these needs.