How to Do a Customer Needs Analysis
User Research & Analysis

How to Do a Customer Needs Analysis? Complete Guide

Customer needs analysis can lead to lower customer acquisition costs, better customer retention programs, more effective marketing campaigns, and lower support costs. Here is a complete guide on how to do a customer needs analysis.

Customer needs analysis examines customer feedback to find recurring issues, issues, and suggestions so businesses can modify their services appropriately.

Keep reading, here is everything you need to know about customer needs analysis.

What is a Customer Needs Analysis?

A customer needs analysis is a structured, methodical approach to understanding customers’ relationship with, and perception of, an organization’s products or services and its brand.

A customer needs analysis, when carried out correctly, will pinpoint every element that influences a customer’s decision to buy goods and services. Furthermore, it can also recognize their wider expectations relating to the organization – its brand promise and position within the wider market – and how well the brand is delivering in terms of expected levels of customer experience and customer satisfaction.

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The Five Basic Needs of Every Customer

How to Do a Customer Needs Analysis

Although every customer is unique, they are all united in their search for a good or service that meets the following five fundamental needs: functionality, price, reliability, usability, and compatibility.


First and foremost, a customer is searching for a product or service that solves a physical problem or meets a specific demand in their lives. Do the company’s services directly address that issue or do they simply encircle it? If they don’t, the customer’s decision-making process won’t progress from the awareness to the consideration stage.


A good price point must be set for a given good or service. A customer must think that the product they are purchasing is worth the price they are paying. The amount of disposable income that various customers have may vary, but this does not always indicate how much a person is willing to pay to accomplish a goal or resolve a problem. Don’t confuse price and value, in other words; it doesn’t matter how much something costs if the overall experience matches the price point; according to 42% of consumers, value for money is the single factor that most influences customer loyalty.


When choosing a good or service, customers don’t want to have to take a chance. They must have faith that the product will live up to expectations and function properly each time it is used, and that ownership actually corresponds to the supporting advertising or promotion.


Regardless of product or service type, it needs to be simple to use. Its goal is to reduce customer frustration, not increase it. For businesses that offer a wide variety of goods and services, giving information and advice is an important part of this usability. By ensuring a potential customer understands exactly what the offering can and can’t do; that person can choose in confidence.


Only products and services that work with a customer’s current routine and complement their current goods and services will be chosen. Customers must understand that a brand exists to make their daily lives less difficult, not more difficult.

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How to Do a Customer Needs Analysis: 5 Steps

In order to perform a customer needs analysis, retailers must generate shopper feedback and identify common challenges by-

1. Gathering Customer Data

Businesses should interact with their customers and solicit open feedback on their product offerings, customer service, and any additional recommendations. Depending on the business type, managers can send surveys via-

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Website pop-up
  • Text message
  • Checkout

Open-ended prompts allow customers to go into more detail while businesses can use multiple choice and numerical rating questions.

Managers can also find unasked-for feedback on social media and online review sites by looking for mentions of their brand.

2. Sorting Information by Customer Needs

Customer Needs

Now it is time to organize the free text data into structured groups based on the customer’s need. Any physical paperwork should be converted to digital copies, so all information is kept in a centralized database.

Businesses can either manually tag each piece of data or use data management software equipped with machine learning technology to sort the inputs automatically. Organizations can use software to program specialized models that categorize data in accordance with their standards.

To create data silos, the solution, for instance, can search each input for keywords like cost, dependability, and security.

3. Analyzing Data

Once the data is organized, management can analyze each need at a time. Depending on the business, information can be analyzed using-

  • Sentiment Analysis – To assess the general opinion of the customer, this method categorizes feedback as positive, negative, or neutral.
  • Keyword extraction – To help companies improve the features and quality of their products, this technique looks for specific keywords in customer reviews.

4. Visualizing Data

Data can be confusing and overwhelming at times. Managers can simplify complex concepts for executives by utilizing visualization aids like charts and graphs.

An illustration of this would be a line graph that depicts how consumer perceptions of a product have evolved over time as the company has made improvements. A bar graph, on the other hand, can display consumer perceptions of various goods at a particular time.

5. Aligning Goods and Services With Customer Needs

Companies have the knowledge necessary to make the required improvements once the pertinent insights have been extracted. While some businesses may need to add new features to products, others may need to focus on enhancing their customer support.

What Are the Benefits of a Customer Needs Analysis?

The biggest benefit of conducting a customer needs analysis is gaining actionable insights around customer wants that can make a measurable difference to the business.

When an organization understands who its customers truly are and the substance of the glue that binds them to its brand, there are huge opportunities to reduce costs and to increase profits without negatively impacting on consumer-facing aspects of the business. Following the completion of a customer needs analysis, a company can create a product or service roadmap with more assurance, knowing that upcoming releases will be in line with consumer needs.

Similar to this, marketing strategies can be more targeted and cost-effective by being tailored to the key audience, while also minimizing the annoyances for those sporadic customers whose behaviors do not coincide with target segments.

The framework for developing optimized customer retention programs, for reducing initial customer acquisition costs, and for identifying greater efficiencies and better interactions within customer experience comes from knowing who you are serving and why those people have chosen you to serve them. The medium- to long-term growth is positively impacted by each of these.

Every company, regardless of industry, that commits to carrying out a customer needs analysis will come away with a special set of customer insights about needs and challenges, as well as what customers anticipate from a typical customer service scenario.

However, whether asking what customers expect from a retailer or what customers expect from a bank, all brands have the same starting point. The fundamental consumer requirements that determine how and why someone selects one brand over another are constant.

Conclusion: How to Do a Customer Needs Analysis

Customer needs analysis surveys identify what your customer’s true needs are so you can meet their expectations and design your products to solve their needs.

You can truly understand what drives customers to purchase your goods or services by analyzing the needs of your target market, and this will put you on the right track to building a successful business.

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What Should a Customer Analysis Include?

In order to improve your customers’ experience, effective customer analysis involves segmenting your customer base, identifying their needs, figuring out how your brand addresses those needs, and applying that data to your business practices.

What is the 6 W Model of Customer Analysis?

In the 6W approach of customer analysis, market segmentation is done based on their common attitudes, buying trends, demands, and needs.

What Are the 3 Main Customer Needs?

Ultimately, all customer needs can be categorized into three main types: functional, social, and emotional needs.