Groups On Facebook
User Community

How To Post To Multiple Groups On Facebook?

If you’re wondering how to post in multiple Facebook groups at once, we have you covered.

Everyone wants to be online, from small businesses to brands and larger organizations. Brands are focusing in particular on the potential of Facebook groups.

Groups enable useful user interactions, as opposed to fan pages, which have a number of restrictions. Brands can also reach a highly targeted audience by using Facebook groups.

Having a presence in multiple groups, however, can be a challenging and impractical task for many brands due to a lack of time or other factors.

In this article, we share with you a few strategies for boosting your online presence by simultaneously posting to several groups.

Can I Share To Multiple Groups On Facebook At Once?

Using third-party apps, like the one mentioned above, makes this possible. You must, however, take care to only post to groups for which you are an administrator. It would be against Facebook’s Terms of Service to post to multiple groups at once that you are not the administrator of.

It’s possible that your account will be suspended if you do this using a third-party app. It’s crucial to make sure you’re only mass posting to groups in which you have administrative control. You are welcome to post to as many of your groups as you want in that case.

You must use the Share function on the post itself to share each post to a group that you are not an administrator of individually.

Groups On Facebook

How To Post At The Same Time In Multiple Facebook Groups?

  1. Add the groups that you want to manage to your Postcron dashboard
  2. Select the groups
  3. Create your posts (with only text or combined with image or link)
  4. Schedule your post on the date and time that you want

As mentioned before, you DON’T necessarily need to be the group’s admin, but you DO need to have the Postcron App added to the group you want to connect to Postcron.

Take a closer look at it now:

Your accounts must first be added to the Postcron dashboard in order to begin scheduling posts. You should select the “Facebook” button, option, as this is a tutorial for “groups.” To add them to your dashboard, group them first.

Let’s get to work and begin scheduling posts!

Specifying The Time Of Publication

So, let’s say, that in order to achieve a more effective communication strategy, you want to update different accounts with the same message, but have to auto post it to each Facebook groups at different times.

As you probably already know, each type of audience has its active times. If your objective is to reach your audience, knowing their exact activity times is essential.

So, in order to help you meet these objectives, the Postcron app enables you to auto post to mentioning the time of each publication while using Facebook groups

You only need to:

  1. go to Postcron, select the account(s) where you want to schedule your posts.
  2. Then, you create the post and press the Schedule button. So Easy!
  3. You can then manually select the date and time of your post on the screen that will appear after that.

Do you want to do this simultaneously with one or more Facebook groups? Postcron, however, provides a clever option that enables you to set a delay between each post. What’s the point? In order to prevent the same message from being posted in all groups at exactly the same time (to activate this function you’ve got to select at least 2 accounts).

Once you’ve selected the accounts, you’ll see a new text at the bottom that says “Add between each post …” followed by a field. Simply enter the amount of time in minutes you want to divide the posts. For instance, if you enter 5, that will be the amount of time between the first and second posts, the second and third, and so on.

Using “predefined Publishing Times”

Social Media The need to consistently publish content at a set time and date can cause tasks to become monotonous.

So that we all don’t end up turning into robots, the Facebook auto poster Postcron, offers you the ability to post to groups using predetermined schedules. That way you just have to set the daily posting times ONLY ONCE for each account (You can alter a schedule at any time if necessary).

To activate this feature, just go to Postcron dashboard and click on “My Account menu, selection: “You can see at the top, “Social Media Accounts.” After that, all of the Facebook groups you’ve added to the app will be visible on the screen. Beside each one, you’ll find the “Predefined Publishing Times” button.

You should enter every day and hour of the week that you want your posts to be scheduled here.

Later, once you’re back on the main panel, when you go to schedule your posts, you just select “Schedule in your Predefined Publishing Times” on the dropdown menu. When you select this option, your post will be automatically scheduled in the first available default schedule that you have created for each of the accounts.

If you’ve selected more than five accounts, this saves you a ton of time because you won’t need to manually set the time of each publication or the gap between each post.

Uploading A List Of Posts In Your Facebook

This Postcron feature will appeal to advanced users who want to save time uploading content. The purpose of this feature is to automate daily publications in multiple accounts for several days, even months. This feature has given many community managers their lives back, who used to spend hours and hours of their time on this tedious task!

Without a doubt, being able to schedule a list of posts from an The productivity difference between Excel and Google Docs is significant. How does it work? The idea is to order text, links, images and videos in a spreadsheet, from which Postcron will automatically schedule and publish, according to the specifications provided by the user. In essence, by spending only a few hours creating it, you can save a lot of time and energy in the future.

To start using this feature, the first thing you need to do is create an Excel or Google Docs Spreadsheet (we opted for the second alternative) with the posts you want to schedule. To assist you in getting started, here is a Google Docs spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet must always have 8 columns (letters A to H), each of which is used to arrange various types of content that will be uploaded later.

  • In column A, put the text of each post.
  • In column B, put the year you want your post to published.
  • In column C, put the month you want your post to published.
  • In column D, enter the day you want your post to published.
  • In column E, insert the hour (0-23) you want your post to published (eg 18).
  • In column F, put the minute, you want your post to published (eg 30).
  • In column G, insert a link to an image you want to accompany your post (the picture must have a To be scheduled properly, use the JPG or PNG extension.
  • In Column H, insert a link to your website or wherever you want.

Note: The final two columns (G and H) are optional; if you prefer, you can leave them blank.

In turn, each of the horizontal rows represents a post, meaning that if you filled up the first five rows, then you will have scheduled five posts.

When you’ve finished filling out the spreadsheet with all the information you desire, you must download the file as a CSV (Comma Separated Values??). You need to click “Save As” and choose the appropriate file type if you used Excel or Google Docs (your file will be saved in the Downloads folder of your browser): CSV.

Once you’ve got your spreadsheet ready, go back to Postcron, select the accounts where you want to publish these posts and click on the “…Or upload a file with lots of posts all at once” button.

At this point, you just upload the spreadsheet you’ve created by clicking on the button: “Open“.

The system will begin processing the posts after you choose the created file. After the texts have been shown, the images will start to load. To make sure that all your posts get scheduled properly, it’s really important to wait until all the images are fully uploaded before clicking the “Save and Schedule” button. Once you click “Save and Schedule” button, your posts will be scheduled in all of the accounts you’ve selected.

When you’re done, navigate to the bottom of the Postcron home page to confirm that everything has been scheduled correctly. Look under the heading “Review your scheduled posts,” then pick any accounts for which you have scheduled posts. You can see every piece of content that has been assigned to a group or page there.

Here is a three-minute tutorial on how to use this feature and make the most of Facebook’s group auto poster tool if you’d prefer to see it explained visually.


Now you’ve got all the information you need to start saving time and energy on your Community Manager work. Features like “Posting to multiple groups at the same time” and “Uploading a list of posts from a single spreadsheet” help you get a head start on your work.

You only need a good and accurate social media tool like a Facebook auto poster as Postcron to start increasing your productivity in communication and marketing strategies.

It is time and energy-efficient to schedule posts and post to multiple accounts at once. Which aspect did you therefore find to be more useful? Do you think we should include any additional features? Let us know!

Read More: How To Welcome New Members To Facebook Group 2022?