Tag A Group
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How To Tag A Group On Facebook? Updated Guide

Facebook is a well-known social media platform from Meta. Facebook allows you to create groups, pages, and other things. In a post, you might occasionally want to tag a particular set of users. You can also do it one at a time, but that takes more time. So how to tag a group on Facebook?

Tags come in two different varieties. Post tagging appears in Facebook messages, whereas photo tagging only appears in images. Learn about Facebook tagging by continuing to read.

Text Tagging

  • Step 1: Sign in to Facebook.com with your email address and password.
  • Go to the location where you want to tag several friends in step 2. These places could be on your wall or a friend’s wall.
  • Step 3: Type the symbol “@” followed by the name of the first person you wish to tag. Matching names from your current Facebook friend list will show up as you start to type the name. Click on the correct name, and the name will appear in the area after the “@.” Indicating that the person has been tagged, the name will be highlighted in blue.
  • Step 4: Carry out step 3 again for each member of the group you wish to tag. Continue to type the “@” symbol followed by each name you want to be tagged. Make sure to use a comma to separate each name.
  • Step 5: Click the “Share” button on the lower right side of the comment box once all of the group’s names have been tagged. The names will now show up in the location you specified as a tagged group.

Related Reading: How To Archive A Facebook Group?

Tag A Group

Photos And Videos Tagging

  • To tag, a group in a photo or video, first log into your Facebook account. Then, find the item you want to tag.
  • Step 2: Move your mouse’s cursor over the image or photo and then click on the “Tag Video/Photo” option when it appears at the bottom of the window. If you want to tag a particular area in a video, click on it.
  • Step 3: Click inside the tag field that appears in the top right corner of the video’s comments section. To tag a picture, click inside the tag field that appears below the tagged area.
  • Step 4: To tag a group to a photo, type the group’s name into the tag field and then click on it when it appears below the field. If you’re tagging a video, type an “@,” inside of the tag field, in front of the group’s name — omit a space between the name and @. When the name of the group appears below the tag field for the video, click on it.

Read More: How To Add Or Delete Files To Facebook Group?

Why Am I Unable To Facebook Tag Members Of My Group?

It is very simple to include someone in a group and tag them. Simply navigate to the post where you want to initially mention the person. After that, tap the comments field and type @ followed by the name of your friend without a space. A public group makes it simple to tag members. If you are unable to do so, you must be in a closed group. You cannot mention someone if they are not already a member of the group. Thus, the individual’s absence from the private group is the only explanation for why you can’t tag them in your group.


So it’s simple to tag a group on Facebook. Both PCs and smartphones are capable of performing this. You can get started by simply following the directions above. You’re welcome for reading the article. Hope this clarified how to tag a group on Facebook. To help us develop, please forward this article to your friends. Please post any questions or comments in the comment section.

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